The Heart of the Game
KARDS has a vibrant community which is highly valued and actively supported by 1939 Games.
Ranging from casual chats with developers on Discord, dedicated discussions and feedback sessions, community collaborations, streamer support, internal testing, tournaments and even a World Championship!
There KARDS community is very friendly, helpful, inclusive and passionate about KARDS.
World Championship and esports
The annual highlight of the eSports community in KARDS is definitely the World Championship!
The first KARDS World Championship Finals was hosted in Iceland, home of the KARDS developers, in December 2019. It has been held since then most recently in December of 2021.
In addition to the KARDS World Championship there are regular tournaments in KARDS with the monthly Officer Club Championship and bi-monthly KARDS Open.
You can check out previous tournament broadcasts below:

Community Creators
KARDS has an active community of passionate creators producing everything from gameplay guides to meme videos
The following are just a few of the many great streams, videos, and websites available, we recommend you browse through the ever expanding collection of KARDS content across the most popular content platforms available online.
Live broadcasts are most often found in the KARDS category on Twitch
Plenty of Youtube videos are uploaded regularly, like Gameplay videos from Spooz and this new player guide by World Championship finalist Darkness
Collaborations between community creators, 1939 Games and 983 Media can be found on The War Room channel