KARDS 2023 WC: Second Qualifier!
over 1 year ago
Attention, soldiers!
The first open qualifier for the KARDS 2023 World Championship has now concluded. Congratulations to the top 56 players, who will be moving on to the top 128 player Knockout Stage along with our pre-qualified players! You can see a list of all qualified players so far in the Details menu in the World Championship hub in-game.
The second open qualifier starts this weekend - so for those not yet qualified, there’s still a chance to make it to the next stage. The top 57 players from this second round will complete the top 128 players. Remember - anyone who participates in the top 128 player Knockout Stage will receive 300 diamonds and have a chance to make it to the top 4 Grand Finals, playing for the 12,000 USD prize pool and the title of KARDS 2023 World Champion in Iceland during the first weekend of December!
The top 500 players from each open qualifier also receive the KARDS 2023 World Championship Cardback. Make sure you seize the opportunity to earn this unique reward!
The second qualifier qualification sessions will be held on the following dates:
23rd of September: 16 - 20 UTC
24th of September: 12 - 16 UTC
30th of September: 16 - 20 UTC
1st of October: 12 - 16 UTC
7th of October: 16 - 20 UTC
8th of October: 12 - 16 UTC
Each player needs to successfully complete a minimum 3 out of 6 sessions to post a legal qualifier score.
Check out the full schedule of the World Championship below. Note that in order to compete in the World Championship Grand Finals, players must be willing and able to travel to Iceland - no Grand Finals matches will be played remotely.

Competing in a Qualifier
Each qualification session lasts for 4 hours, during which a special World Championship qualifier queue will be available for the bravest among you!
Players need to complete at least 9 games during those 4 hours to successfully complete a qualification session. We also recommend playing a few extra games during the session, as these may improve your chances in the event of tiebreakers.
To enter a game, open the World Championship hub, accessible on the main screen or in the Play menu button. Press the Play button in the World Championship hub, select your deck, and head into battle! Note that you cannot join the World Championship qualifiers with a deck containing cards currently in the Reserve pool.
For each win during the first 9 matches, a player receives 5 points for the qualification ladder. For each loss in these matches, the player receives 1 point. A player’s final score is the combined total score from their best three sessions out of six sessions in the qualifier.
To post a legal qualifier score, each player needs to successfully complete a minimum of 3 out of the 6 sessions in a qualifier.
If players end up with the same score, a tiebreaker system is used to order them. This is based on several things, the most important being the strength of your opponents. Being matched against a very strong player might make for a difficult match, but will improve your chances in the event of tiebreakers, regardless of the match result. Additional games played after your first 9 games in a qualifying session contribute to your tiebreaker score as well.
See the full tiebreaker rules here: KARDS 2023 World Championship Rules.
Gear up and ready your decks for the second KARDS World Championship qualifier!